
June 4, 2009

Alien Abduction Lamp

Awhile back as I was surfing the net I came across this at the Dollar Store Crafts site. My oldest saw it and immediately wanted to make one for her uncle (aka my little brother) who likes all things weird. So we made an impromptu run to the dollar store and came up with nothing. Everything there was made of actual glass. So we turned to the only other store that this semi-small town has, our trusty Wal-mart. Still nothing. I had to pick up a few item anyway so as we were doing our normal shopping and trying not to be disappointed when I came across these.

which gave me an idea and I went and picked up these

when we got home I pulled out these. I got the cow from the kids toy box (ssshhhh don't tell them)

and we got to work.

First we painted the bowls black

Then using the cup and a guide, traced a circle on the inside of one of my bowls and using an x-acto knife I cut the circle out

Then I cut a hole in the bottom of the cup. These cups have a convent lip on the bottom that the bowl could sit on. I thought about gluing it but it was a snug fit so I skipped it.

Then I pulled the sticky backing off of the push light and stuck it in the second bowl. This also adds weight to the bowl so when you place it on top it stays put.

I then tried to paint yellow circles but couldn't get a good coverage with the black background so I just cut circles out of yellow construction paper and glued them on.

Then I placed the cow on the green paper and put and the cup over it. If you want it to be permanent then you can can glue the cow and the cup to the paper.

And there you have it an Alien Abduction Lamp.

As a side note I tried using binder clips around the bowls to help hold them together and it looked really cool but was a pain to take off to turn the light on and off and I decided that it really didn't need it. So there you go a lamp that even the kids can play with. Go and make one for your kids or even yourself.

1 comment:

  1. loving this idea!!!!! so clever and fun, thank you for sharing it :-) have a great day!
