
June 9, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Janice created Tackle It Tuesday back in 2006 over at to help her dig herself out of a houseful of clutter. This is how it works

Each week on Tuesday, we are posting before and after pictures of a project or trouble area that we tackled this week. The project can be little or big – whatever you want.
Basically, Tackle It Tuesday is about giving ourselves incentive, deadlines and satisfaction in getting our household tasks done.
(It doesn’t even have to be housework… just whatever is on your To Do list.)

I thought this was a great idea and could really use some incentive to help get some projects done.

Here is today's problem
Just looking at it, it looks like a pile of junk but underneath this junk I have tried to carve out a little space in this small house for just me. I wanted it to be like a craft center where I could place a couple of cool crafting machines that I have that won't fit anywhere else.
Like this
and this
and this
These things are there in that picture you just can't see them and I can't get to them. This part of the counter has always had this problem. I had thought that when I put the cool (not to mention expensive) equipment there that it would not only help with the piling of junk on it but that it would also motivate me to keep it clean. Well you can see with your own eyes that is just not the case. So for Tackle It Tuesday I am going to make it functional again. After I get it cleaned up I will post a picture.

Is there something you need to tackle. Well go visit Janice over 5M4M to join in.


  1. Good luck with that tackle:-)

  2. I'm sure you will feel so much better when it's all finished!

  3. every thing we do to make our house look great makes us feel great in the long run
