
August 25, 2009

Blog Hop Tuesday: Time To Laugh

This week's Blog Hop theme is "TIME TO LAUGH". We are supposed to post either our favorite joke, cartoon, funny picture or video. We all need a good laugh sometimes, what a great way to start the week..

I saw this video several months ago and I know that I wanted to create a post about it. Every time I see it, it makes me laugh. Sometimes I wish life was a musical.

What would your reaction be if you were in a public place and everyone around you started dancing in unison. I can not imagine the effort it took to organize this.

Somebody in this list is going to win. How about you?

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  1. WOW. This by far is the coolest video I have seen in a while. I love it! Thanks for sharing.

  2. ooo Ive seen this too.They did a similar one in Australia recently and a friend danced in it...but I didnt think it was as good as this one!

    PS No we've not seen the preview to the Frog Princess..but now I think I'm going to track that one down!

  3. Brava! Brava! Encore! Encore! You nailed it! I'm crying and smiling at the same time! Thank you! I'm tweeting this till the cows come home!

  4. That was awesome! Thanks to my friend for directing me here. What a happy vibe. Love it!

  5. Wow! As a person who can't dance to save her life, this would freak me out -- but I'd definitely stand back and watch! Cool!

  6. WOW!!! This was awesome Kelly!! Thanks for sharing (I passed the link along to my family & friends!!).

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