
November 27, 2009

Puppet Theater success

I just have to brag a moment.

I created a tutorial for a table top puppet theater which you can see here. I started getting a lot of comments about how great it looked but that they would never have the __(fill in the blank)__ to make one. Whether it be time, patiance, or no crafty bone in their body, there where people who wanted it but would not be making it. So I decided to sell them.

This is where the bragging comes in. Since I listed it on Monday I have sold 3 puppet theaters. I am just besides myself with excitement and gratitude for the success that it is having.

Do you want one? You can either click on the link to the tutorial above or you can visit my Etsy shop to purchase one (button is in the left sidebar).


  1. wow! What a great idea and very VERY cool of you to sell them!!

  2. How fun is that! I would never have thought of doing a home made one.

  3. No wonder you are having good luck selling looks great.

  4. WOWZERS. Good for you! I wish you huge success!

  5. Oh my goodness, is that ever a cute idea! I bet my boys would have a lot of fun with that!

  6. LOVE IT!!! Very professional looking.

  7. Kelly, this is such a fabulous idea. My kids love puppets.
