
November 17, 2009

Thank you

I have been so blessed recently. Several people have featured my puppet theater tutorial and now I want to give a shout out to them.

Rachel over at One Pretty Thing. She doesn't just have one pretty thing she had tons of pretty things. Everything from decorating, fashion, kids crafts, things specific to holidays and much, much more. Go ahead and check her out, you wont regret it.

Totally Tutorials. This blog is all about the tutorials. Just about anything you can think of (and some things you wouldn't have thought of) has a tutorial over there.

Lindsay over at Living with Lindsay. I just love her blog. She has lots of great ideas that she shares with her readers. I just wish that I had the decorating eye like she does. Go check her out and fall in love like I have.

The newest addition to my blog roll is Stephanie from Somewhat Simple. I could spend all day there. So many neat ideas, lots of inspiration and yummy recipes to boot. She is one you definitely need to go see.

Thanks you guys for allowing me to be apart of your blogs.

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