
March 29, 2010

SYTYC auditions

I am stepping out of my comfort zone. I'm auditioning to be in "Season 3" of So You Think You're Crafty. It's the blogging world's version of Reality TV. So, if you'd like to see me compete, you need to head over there and vote. The only catch is, the voting is anonymous. Which means you're gonna to have to guess which craft is mine from a line up of other amazing crafters! Yikes! Can you do it? Can you guess which one is mine? I sure hope so! The top 10 with the highest votes will move on, so go cast your vote in the SYTYC auditions, click here.


  1. I Hope you have a blast over there at SYTYC! Good luck to you!!!

  2. Nice to "meet" you! Best wishes with SYTYC.

  3. Kelly, I know I am feeling a bit intimadated to by all the other amazing crafters! Good luck to you!

  4. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog :) good luck to you as well!

  5. Thanks for stopping by....good luck to you too! We'll see how this SYTYC thing goes...I'll be lucky to make it through the auditions :)

  6. omg, how fun is that!!!! Even if you don't make it, keep trying!!! I think it's awesome for you to put yourself out there. Don't fear, be brave, be proud! Good luck!

  7. Ohhh. I'm a BIG crafter! LOve this idea!
