
April 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Nasty stuff

What does this look like to you? A filthy van, right? Well I guess you are right but that is not dirt. It is pollen, it is hard to tell in the picture, but that stuff is yellow. Now keep in mind that it was washed 2 days ago. My poor DH is allergic to this nasty stuff and it is everywhere!!


  1. I want to write "wash me" on the window, hehe!
    Happy WW!

  2. Yikes, I am getting a sinus headache just from looking at it, jk I already had one :(

  3. Oh no! That's amazing! I had never heard of something like that happening. Your poor hubby!

  4. Ahahahchooo! I am allergic too! the trees are bad this year, and it is just the start. They get this heavy yellow pollen by my aunts, it is up in paper mill country, so lots of pine trees. You can watch the pollen fly by like fog.

  5. i know what you mean about all the pollen, i just ignore it because i am so tired of it, but with my hubby just getting a new harley, he is out there cleaning it about 50 times a day~! lol
