
August 31, 2010

Silhouette Necklace

I have jumped on the silhouette bandwagon.

At Christmas I made silhouette pictures for the grandparent's presents. Here are the pictures.

I will have to share those later.

There are plenty of directions online on how to make your own silhouette pictures. I made my silhouette pictures by taking a profile picture and then printing it out and tracing around the profile with a pencil using a lot of pressure. Then I turned the picture over and traced over my pencil line that I could see through the paper with a marker and then scanned the outline into my computer. Then using photoshop I filled the outline in.

 To make the necklace I used MS Publisher. I made a 5/8" circle and shrunk the pictures to fit into the circle.

After I got the size I wanted I printed them out and using a 5/8" circle punch I punched them out.

 Then I found a flat glass stone that fit it.

I used Mod Podge to glue the picture to the glass stone.

I put some Mod Podge on the stone

Then I put the picture on. It looks cloudy now but it dries clear.

Then I put on another layer of Mod Podge to cover it and and seal the edges. After it dries I check the edges and if I can still see the edge of paper I put another coat of Mod Podge on. 

After it dried I glued on a flat glue-on bail.

I used E-600 glue.

Then I attached a jump ring to the bail.

Then I attached it to the necklace using beads as spacers so that they lay flatter when worn.

I think they turned out great.

linking up with

SYS Mothers Day


Kindred Spirit Mommy



  1. Wow it's amazing and you make it look so easy!

  2. What a sweet gift. I love that!

  3. What a beautiful gift. I love how your silhouettes turned out. Thanks for linking up to my craft challenge

  4. Super fun! I'm just itching to do something with my son's silhouette. I love all of these on the necklace!

  5. i just love this necklace and the names make it extra special.
    I'd love to have this linked to my weekly link party "Make Your Style Mondays"

  6. Love this! I'm totally making one for myself AND my mom! :)

  7. Hi..I’m Barb….I am from tip junkie. Great idea!!!It turned out so cute...
    I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @
    & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well. Nice to meet ya new friend!!!

  8. found you at Make My Style Mondays and this is a terrific idea. Came out great!

  9. Very cute! I am featuring this at Grab my "featured" button.

  10. Great idea!! I love it!! Thanks for linking up!!!

  11. What a wonderful, great idea! Thanks for linking up!

  12. I've been making silhouette jewelry too! Cute.

  13. Thanks for linking this to Make My Style Mondays.
    Im featuring this DIY in my link party wrap up today. Come on over and grab a button.


  14. thanks everyone for your kind words and for those who have featured me.

  15. Those are gorgeous, what a great idea! :)

  16. That is super cute :)

  17. VERY cute! Thanks for this great tutorial!

  18. Great job! Coming from Be Different Act Normal. I added a necklace this week also!


  19. Kelly, what a great gift! I know my mom would love these. She has a metal family tree that she hangs pictures on and I think it would be fun to change it out to silhouette ornaments like these!

    Thanks for linking up to Show and Tell Saturday!

  20. Very nice! I want to do silhouettes of the kids to hang on my wall...just gotta do it. THIS was very helpful. I love show and tell!

  21. Very cool! I would love one of just my husband or something! LOve it! Nice job.

  22. Kelly, that is a lovely necklace!! I am in love with all the pretty silhouette stuff I keep seeing, but haven't tried my hand at it yet. You did a great job! Visiting from The CSI Project. Hope you'll come by and say hi. :)

  23. What a great idea...I love it! You did a fantastic job!

  24. Kelly, This is so cute! I love silhouettes and I have been looking for a new project using them. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Hugs, Sherry

  25. I made this project! I am so excited. I linked to you but the post won't show up until Friday Sept. 3.

    THank you!

  26. This is such a great idea! I have been wanting to make some silhouttes of my boys but I haven't found the time yet. This might just be my reason to try it!

  27. I've got a new blog and your oreos are my first feature! I'd love for you to stop by and grab a button!

  28. Oreos? Soooo sorry! I'm trying to give credit to everyone and typed on the wrong blog! Your necklace!!! Gosh am I embarassed! :)

  29. Amanda no need to be embarrassed. It could happen to the best of us. I am really flattered that have chosen to feature me on your new blog. It looks to be awesome. Thank you.

  30. LOVE these! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Silhouettes are my favorite. Your necklaces turned out so cute. I love this idea.

    Thanks for linking up at Serving Pink Lemonade!

  32. Can you tell me where i can get the flat glass stone anyone? I cannot find. tried Jo Anns and amazon

  33. I usually get them from walmart but have seen them at Michaels and even the dallor tree. They are usually in the floral section.
