
February 6, 2013

Custom Created Quilled Letter Giveaway

I hope to get back to blogging frequently but I wanted to take a min. and let you know that I finally have created a facebook page for my quilled letters. I am almost have 100 likes and I am having a giveaway for an 8x10 letter when I do reach 100 likes ($20 retail value). So go on over and check out my page and share with your friends. In the photo section you can see samples of what I have done for previous customers, some that I have pre-made and ready to ship out to you, and you can also see all the colors you have to chose from. Here are some examples of what you can win.

Update: Well that went way quicker than I thought it would. We have already reached 100 likes and a winner was chosen. But don't worry. I plan on doing another giveaway when we get to 200 likes so go ahead and get your like in soon or you might miss it.


  1. yay! I can't wait - I just "liked" your page :)

    i should mention that URL you posted isn't actually a hyperlink, so fixing that might get more people over there.

    i love your blog and i *love* your work!!!

  2. Thank you for your kind words and also thanks so much for letting me know about the link. It is fixed it now :)
