
July 23, 2009

Rainbow birthday Party part 3 Decorations

I'm still on my hunt for ideas for Zoe's party. You can read the first two parts here and here. Today, I am going to focus on decorations.

To help keep costs down I plan on using lots of balloons and streamers with other little things added in.

I think this would look awesome done in all the rainbow colors.

I came across these cool paper lanterns on Dollar Store Crafts. There is a link to the tutorial to make these with popsicle sticks and tissue paper.

Here are the ones I made. They were very easy to do and I had all seven of them done in just a few hours. Waiting for the glue to dry takes the longest. They fold flat so storing them until the party will be easy. These are going to look good strung across a wall.

or maybe I should hang them vertical like this. What do you think?

I found this mobile at Inna's Creations (you have to scroll down to find it) and immediately wanted to make one. Let's just say that it took forever. It looks really cool but I think one is all I will make.

Here is my version

(Thanks honey for stretching your arm at an impossible angle so I could get a clear shot)

A close up of the top part. I use beads as stoppers.

underneath the top part.
Next I found these at Martha Stewart Crafts. They look so elegant. Should be easy enough, they are just made with tissue paper, right?

Well maybe not. Mine didn't turn out so great. I think what I'll try next time is to make one of each color instead of multicolored.

My next project will be this mobile which I found here at Dollar Store Crafts made with craft foam.

I also what to try these coasters as soon as I get some curling ribbon. You can find these at Chica and Jo's site with complete instructions. I'll post a picture as soon as I have a chance to try it.

The last thing I found is this bubble gum vase found here at Party Wishes. I just love it. I have a tall clear vase that I will use this for and maybe put tissue flowers in it.

Well that is all I have for decorations. If anyone has any good ideas or places to go to get more ideas please send them my way. Thanks a bunch.

Part 4


  1. Those are some really cool decorations, i love the rainbow balls

  2. I did the rainbow tissue paper pom poms in each color and they were perfect! I like your idea of making one rainbow pom pom, too...I think it turned out cute! I just may have to have an encore party with all these new rainbow ideas!

  3. Hey, I think I figured out what went wrong with your tissue paper pom pom. Now, I may be completely wrong but, you may have skipped the cutting the ends part. *Shrugs*
