
July 20, 2012

I'm Back

For all of you that are still here reading this blog I would like to say thank you for sticking around. I sort of  took a unexpected break for a while. Most of you probably don't know but was verbally attacked by an "anonymous" person in some of my posts. To me this person isn't so anonymous. I know exactly who it was and I even know why they were doing it and that is their problem not mine. That is all I am going to say about that.

So what I have been up to? Well, my divorced was finalized in January so now I am officially a single woman. I am working on growing my etsy shop. If you read this post you will remember my quilled monograms. I think I have really perfected them and have finally set them up in my etsy shop. To check out my shop just click on my etsy button at the top of my left sidebar. Here are some pictures of a few of the orders I have done.

If you are interested in ordering anything put blogreaders in the code box and get 15% off your order. This code is good thru August 4th 2012.

My kids are growing like weeds. Until recently the last time I had their pictures taken where in this post.
Here they are now

It makes my heart ache a little to see how much they have grown.

I have not been sitting idly by these past few months. I have lots more that I want to share but I think I will save them for a post of their own. I also have a few things in mind that I want to start doing along with bringing back my "Quotes to Remember" posts. So keep your eyes out.

1 comment:

  1. People on the internet are such idiots. LOL

    I hope you told this person you knew who they were. I would have. LOL
